Benefits of using a law firm’s debt collection service

Benefits of using a law firm’s debt collection service

In business operations, it is almost inevitable that companies will encounter bad debts from their partners. To facilitate the handling of these bad debts, businesses may consider using debt recovery services from law firms. Below, TNTP will outline the benefits that...
Consequences of illegal debt collection in Vietnam

Consequences of illegal debt collection in Vietnam

Debt collection in Vietnam is a service used by many businesses and is one of the essential services for society. However, the activity of debt collection that does not comply with the law poses many risks for both the user and the debt collector. In this article, we...
The significant importance of debt collection to companies

The significant importance of debt collection to companies

Debt collection is always one of the “tiring” matters for companies. Commercial activities and goods trading take place every day at an increasingly fast pace, leading to an increase in the number of receivables from customers and partners, and not all customers and...