Currently, debt collection in Vietnam meets many difficulties because the debtors use a variety of sophisticated measures to avoid, prolong the payment period. When enterprises found out, these debtors had already taken measures. This makes the success rate of debt...
In the course of business operations, enterprises often face the late payment debts of their partners. Especially in the construction field, the situation of arising building materials debts is increasingly common. Therefore, enterprises need to choose a way to...
Debt reconciliation is that enterprises confirm the value of the debt which one party has obligation to pay to the other party. Debt reconciliation is often implemented in commercial business relationship. However, debt reconciliation is not mandatory for the parties....
Nowadays in business, it is common for enterprises to meet with debt problems. However, many enterprises do not know how to evaluate and collect debts, they let the debt prolong, or even lose that debt. Not all debts are bad debts, but enterprises still fail to...
The legal service of drafting, reviewing documents, contracts for enterprises is a law firm’s legal service provided to clients being enterprises infrequently. Accordingly, the law firm will draft or review documents, contracts provided by enterprises or based on the...