“How long does it take to recover the debt?”, this is the question that many individuals or organizations ask when having difficulty because the debtor does not pay. It is not easy to give an exact answer about the guaranteed time to fully recover a debt. However, in the following article, TNTP will give the average time to debt collection based on our experience in debt collection.

1. Debts which are recoverable under 1 year

The condition for a debt to be recoverable in one year is that it must be a debt that the debtor is able to pay and has a good faith to pay. This is extremely important, because the debt collection process can only be done quickly when the debtor is willing to pay the debt and has enough assets to make this payment.

The debtor’s solvency depends on their financial situation, in case the debtor has good financial capacity but has too many debts to pay at once, usually the creditor having a stronger impact will be “priority” to be paid by the debtor.

However, to ensure that the debt can be recovered in a short time, as soon as it is determined that the debtor still has assets, or is currently able to pay, the creditors should immediately take measures to recover the debt. such as calling, sending official letters, or meeting in person to discuss and request the debtor to fulfill the debt payment obligation. If the creditor does not influence the debtor at these “golden” times, the debt collection period may be prolonged or the debtor is no longer able to pay, leading to the debt becoming more difficult to recover.

2. Debts with a recovery period of 3 to 5 years

These are difficult for debt collection when the debtor is almost unable to immediately pay the entire debt. The reason is usually due to the current debtor’s financial capacity which is no longer able to pay the creditor, or the debtor has too many debts and no longer has enough money to pay the creditor. In addition, it is possible that the creditor’s debt has generated interest, but the debtor has not fully paid the principal, leading to the prolonged interest.

In these cases, the solution for this case is to file a lawsuit with a competent agency such as a Court or an Arbitration Center to be able to use the power of the state to force the debtor to perform its payment obligations. The process from filing a lawsuit to enforcement can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years depending on the value of the debt, financial resources, or remaining assets of the debtor.

3. The debtor is unable to pay the debt.

This is the worst-case scenario that creditors never want, when the debtor is insolvent, meaning the debt will never be able to be paid in full, or not be paid, leading to the creditor will lose his loan forever. Usually this happens when the debtor’s finances are no longer available to pay, or the debtor has gone bankrupt, dissolved, suspended operations, and do not generate any additional revenue or assets to pay the debt.

However, the debtor’s insolvency usually does not occur in the first time when lending, the debtor’s insolvency usually occurs only when the creditor does not take measures to collect the debt, not long-term contact with the debtor. Therefore, if the creditor regularly takes measures to monitor and understand the financial capacity of the debtor, as well as regularly reminds the debtor to make debt payment, it is completely possible to take necessary measures. to avoid the situation where it is too late when the debtor becomes insolvent and has no assets to repay the debt.

In case the creditor has sufficient grounds to determine that the debtor is still able to pay but deliberately fails to make the payment, or intentionally evades to not pay the debt, the creditor has the right to make a criminal denunciation about the crime of “abuse of trust to appropriate property” to the competent investigating police agency. At that time, the investigating police agency will take professional measures to determine the debtor’s illegal behavior in case the investigating police agency determines that the debtor has committed the act that a violation the law and infringing upon the interests of creditors.

The debtor will be prosecuted and tried in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code. At that time, the debtor will be forced to fulfill the obligation to pay the debt to the creditor along with the sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the Penal Code.

Above are the sharing of TNTP about the average time to collect debts. Hope this article is useful to the readers.

Best regards.